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Monday, 28 February 2017: Tajani calls for EU to open refugee reception centres in Libya, EU member states back visa-free travel for Georgia, Poles may return home after Brexit
28. Februar 2017


Tajani calls for EU to open refugee reception centres in Libya: EU Parliament President Antonio Tajani has called for the EU to set up refugee reception centres in Libya and to implement a Marshall Plan for Africa in order to curb migration to the bloc. The Libyan centres should have adequate equipment to ensure refugees live in dignified conditions with access to sufficient medical care, Tajani said. German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel has called for more realism amid the controversial proposals for refugee holding camps in North Africa.,

EU member states back visa-free travel for Georgia: EU member states on Monday approved visa-free travel for Georgian citizens for a period of 90 days in any 180-day period. The agreement effectively places Georgia into a separate category, allowing its citizens to travel to the 26 countries of the Schengen area. The EU Commission reported that Tbilisi had met the necessary benchmarks for easing travel from Georgia to the bloc.

Bailout inspectors back in Athens: Bailout inspectors will resume talks with the Greek government on Tuesday to try to complete a review of the country’s compliance with agreed reforms that has dragged on for months. Talks had stalled over delays in implementing reforms and disagreements among lenders themselves on whether the International Monetary Fund would fund a third bailout.

Al-Qaeda’s deputy leader reportedly killed in Syria: One of al-Qaida’s most senior global leaders has been killed by a US drone strike in north-west Syria, jihadi leaders have said. Abu al-Khayr al-Masri was killed on Sunday when a missile fired from a drone hit the small car in which he was travelling. If his death is confirmed it would be a major blow to the terror group and the biggest loss to its leadership since the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011. On Monday, the Pentagon confirmed it had carried out a strike in north-west Syria, but did not say whom the attack had targeted.,

Frontex: NGO rescues off Libya encourage traffickers
Belarus: EU prolongs arms embargo and sanctions against 4 individuals
Trade: EU boosts North Korea sanctions


The rights of refugees and migrants are under attack. Human trafficking is on the rise. And with so many people escaping war, the international community must not escape its responsibilities.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has opened the 34th Human Rights Council with a personal pledge to speak out against abuses.


Poles may return home after Brexit: Britain’s unelected House of Lords considered on Monday changing the conditions under which the country will announce its departure from the EU, threatening to attach amendments to Prime Minister Theresa May’s legislation. Between 100,000-200,000 Poles living in the UK may return to Poland as a result of Brexit and because of their homeland’s stronger economy, according to a Polish government official.,

Hungary works on second fence on border with Serbia: Construction of a second fence along the Hungarian border with Serbia is underway, a spokesman for the government in Budapest said Monday. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s chief of staff Janos Lazar last week said the second fence will likely be completed by the end of spring. The government says that while the number of migrants seeking to enter Hungary had dropped considerably since 2015, border police still prevent hundreds of people from illegally crossing the border each day.,

Philippines condemns beheading of German hostage: The Philippines and Germany condemned on Monday the beheading of an elderly German captive by Abu Sayyaf militants who posted a video of the killing after a deadline for a ransom passed. Jurgen Kantner had appealed for help twice in short video messages, saying he would be killed if ransom were not paid. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for a united international front against terrorism.,

Macron tops latest polls in France: French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has gone on the attack slamming her opponents in the race for the presidency. During a rally in the western city of Nantes she set her sights on her centrist rival Emmanuel Macron, accusing him of being out of touch and of being backed by the media. Recent polls showed Macron enjoying a jump in support. Farmers in France are seeking growth through direct sales, short supply chains and local agriculture, targeting a burgeoning market in local produce.,

Germany: Two convicted of murder for deadly drag race
Spain: Inflation rate rose further above ECB goal

⊂ JOB-BOARD ⊃ PlasticsEurope seeks Public Affairs Manager (m/f) *** GIZ seeks Policy Advisor (m/f) *** Siegfried Mureșan MEP offers Traineeship *** European Sunlight Association seeks Communication Officer *** ChildFund Alliance seeks Director – Brussels Office *** Mototrola Solutions seeks Director of Government Affairs – Europe and Africa *** Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft sucht Praktikant (m/w) *** Uni Europa seeks Policy Officer (m/f), (Inserat schalten)


German Carnival floats poke fun at Trump: Carnival is the time when Germans finally let loose and poke fun at themselves and others, mercilessly mocking world leaders with massive parade floats. In keeping with longstanding tradition, many of the Carnival parade floats unveiled last week are set to showcase right-wing populists. US President Donald Trump is portrayed as a school boy carrying a bag full of nuclear codes or as an elephant in a china shop. Right-wing French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen sports a Hitler moustache and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will make her appearance as a ladybug on her back.